A live session at the ***coronityRadio***:

Maja Renn will talk on being stuck home and share some video-performances accompanied by beautiful sound by Belle Arché Lou.

Afterwards live music by Roy Culbertson and some tracks by Alvaro Collao León.

Hosted by Frida Robles.

Thursday, 26.3.2020, 8pm (Vienna time) on Zoom.
Meeting-ID: 455 161 7763

The artists for Innovair artists@home have finalised their plans to intervene across local essential businesses in Valletta. They have designed a zine to document the process, as well as invented signs for the windows and stalls of ironmongers.

Join us on December 5th, 10:30 to 12:00 for a webinar and take part in the process with both Johannes Buch and Aidan Celeste. 

Click Here to Register

Together, we will look into the objects of art which inspired the work, how to make your own, and how the artists engaged a local store as if it were a city in itself. 

If you want to learn more about the project ahead of the webinar you can go here.
