Virtual Mixing designates an interaction between effects which exist in different dimensions and on separate levels. This exhibition will open the [v]room of requirement to the public, an artwork by Elaine Bonavia and a space in virtual reality for self-dialogue, musing and reflection. Born out of introspection on her remote relations with Malta, some of the underlying themes in the work include unfulfilled desire, the notion of touching from a distance and shifting modes of perspectives and boundaries.

Moments from an exchange between participants who were invited to do a virtual room swap during the initial stage of the project. The casual domestic and mysterious version of each person was constructed in 3D and subsequently, interventions took place in VR between Malta, Berlin and Paris. Some of the participants developed a work out of this experience, which will also be part of the exhibition. 


Virtual Mixing is the result of more than a year-long research and art project initiated at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdowns in Europe. The exhibition is funded by Arts Council Malta and supported by Architecture Project, Air Malta and Temporary Show.

Artists and collaborators : Elaine Bonavia, Aidan Celeste, Letta Shtohryn, U2P050. Participants in the exchange:  Mateo Argerich, Franziska Benkel, James Bonavia, Erica Giusta, Alexandre Mballa-Ekobena.


Opening: 27.08.2021; Time (TBC)
Duration: 27.08.2021 – 10.09.2021; opening hours (TBC) or by appointment booking on (TBC)  
Location: 20, Sappers Street, Valletta

Admittance to the exhibition is only possible on presentation of a valid vaccination certificate, according to the latest covid regulations issued by the Health Authorities in Malta. Please see this link for further details! Masks need to be worn inside the exhibition and prior registration is required. A link to a registration sheet is here.

Looking forward to see you there!

Virtual Mixing designates an interaction between effects which exist in different dimensions and on separate levels. This exhibition will open the [v]room of requirement to the public, an artwork by Elaine Bonavia and a space in virtual reality for self-dialogue, musing and reflection. Born out of introspection on her remote relations with Malta, some of the underlying themes in the work include unfulfilled desire, the notion of touching from a distance and shifting modes of perspective.

Moments from an exchange between participants who were invited to do a virtual room swap during the initial stage of the project are shown. The casual, domestic and mysterious version of each person was constructed in 3D and subsequently, interventions took place in VR between Malta, Berlin and Paris. Some of the participants developed a work out of this experience, which will also be part of the exhibition. 


Virtual Mixing is the result of more than a year-long artistic research project initiated at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdowns in Europe. The exhibition is funded by Arts Council Malta and supported by Architecture Project, Air Malta and Temporary Show.

Artists and collaborators : Elaine Bonavia, Aidan Celeste, Letta Shtohryn, U2P050.
Participants in the exchange: Mateo Argerich, Franziska Benkel, James Bonavia, Erica Giusta, Alexandre Mballa-Ekobena.


Opening: 27.08.2021; 14.00 - 22.00 (last registration at 21.00)
Closing: 10.09.2021; 17.00 - 22.00 (last registration at 21.00)

Opening Times: Sun 29.08 from 17.00 - 21.00 
Fri  03.09 & Sat 04.09 from 16.00 - 21.00
Tue 06.09 - Fri 10.09 or by appointment request to ebonavia2[at]gmail[dot]com

Registration: (mandatory!) link to the registration sheet can be found here

Location: 20, Sappers Street, Valletta

Looking forward to see you there!

one punch for every corner
