we have reached total herd immunity for normality

this subsection will serve as a platform to assemble an index of the new words we have collectively learned or coined over the past 15 months focusing on behaviour, framing and scientific speak. this section is inviting everyone to use the language of their mother tongue if it serves to widen the index in that way. once the index is ready we can start explaining or defining these words in our new context

peak normality is a fictive mountain somewhere near Geneve (where WHO headquarters are not far off) on the fictional hike towards this peak (or is it a valley?) you'll encounter new tokens of language and confusing, even vertigo inducing abysms. Eventually you will reach peak normality...

  1. Superspreader
  2. Normality
  3. Cases
  4. Waves
  5. Variants
  6. Illegal hug
  7. Social Distancing
  8. Quarantine
  9. Home Office
  10. Lockdown
  11. Illegal assembly
  12. Superspreader event
  13. Zoom
  14. Overscreened
  15. New Normal
  16. Measures
  17. Tightening measures
  18. Loosening measures
  19. Travel Ban
  20. Global Travel Ban
  21. Travel List
  22. Green List
  23. Black List
  24. Red List
  25. Lists
  26. Contact Tracing
  27. PCR Test
  28. Test Center
  29. Vaccination Center
  30. Curfew 
  31. Restaurant Closure
  32. Bar Closure
  33. Covidiot
  34. Infodemic
  35. Elbow bump
  36. Stay home
  37. Doomscrolling
  38. Sanitizer
  39. Social Recession
  40. Faceshield
  41. Facemask
  42. Personal protective equipment
  43. PPE
  44. to flatten the curve
  45. social isolation
  46. shelter in place
  47. self-quarantine
  48. self-isolation
  49. stay-at-home order
  50. movement control order
  51. enhanced community quarantine
  52. caremongering
  53. contact tracing
  54. quarantini
  55. quaranteam
  56. zoom fatigue
  57. viral load
  58. the rona
  59. the cozza
  60. boomer remover
  61. spanish flu
  62. zoom bombing
  63. zumped
  64. shutdown order
  65. ventilator
  66. asymptomatic
  67. community spread
  68. fatality rate
  69. transmission
  70. incubation period
  71. state of emergeny
  72. essential businesses
  73. covidivorce
  74. coronials
  75. coronacoma
  76. overzoomed
  77. corona hair
  78. virus bomber
  79. shutdown
  80. distance beer
  81. wave-breaker
  82. vaccine cheats
  83. snout sweater
  84. new rules
  85. corona angst

This has given rise to the project #ReframeCovid, in which linguists collect crowdsourced examples of alternatives to war language.


Here a full list of over 1000 new words coined in german during the pandemic


  1. (mt) aw tal-maskli, ilbes minn hemm. (en) Roughly translates to "here are the wardens, wear it". It's a call to used by fishhawkers to ward off buddies with their nose out.
  1. (mt) armonija kwarantina. (en) Roughly translates to the feeling of a movie by Harmony Korine. A fictious story about spring breakers taking to the streets in Hamrun on the eve of their titular festa, San Gejtanu.

seconda ondata — secundo fluctus —

second wave — it-tieni mewġa — 

die zweite Welle — deuxième vague — 

second wave — it-tieni mewġa — 

 2.0 — die zweite Welle — deuxième

second fluxus — fluxus 2.0 — fluctus
