In the current situation, as artistic production has been abruptly put on hold by the pandemic condition, we find ourselves in urgency to find new ways to continue our work.

In times when gathering is forbidden, we seek alternatives for staying in touch. We are setting up temporary studios within constrained spaces of our living-rooms or bed-rooms. From those distant places, out of our isolations, we project our practices into this new virtual shared studio.

TEMPORARY.SHOW is a virtual extension of the DE LICEIRAS 18 - TEMPORARY ART COMMUNITY artist-in-residence in Porto, PT. The physical space is currently indefinitely shut down to slow down further spreading of the COVID-19.

During the time of the global lockdown invited artists-in-residence of this virtual space will share with you their works, sketches, texts, streamed performances and others composed into an intertwined, ever-changing visual dialogue.

All live sessions will be announced in the section SHOW. Stay tuned!

This platform was established in March 2020. It is designed and curated by Maja Renn and co-curated by Johannes Buch.


We like the idea of this platform here as sort of a virtual art space that can be sublet by different collectives. The material published from Marcn 2021 and onward was developed by a loose collective of artists for Driven By Points Made Apart, a project by Aidan Celeste and Manuela Zammit, with the support of the Arts Council Malta (A Malta Arts Fund Special Call Project for COVID 19, Reference No. MAFSC-69-20-4632).  

2021 Driven By Points Made Apart

This project brings together a loose collective of artists for ad hoc experiments. These include a combination of Participants who are open to collaborate, formal Collaborators who can run workshops and interventions across our peers, and Contributors who can share more specific resources and experiences.

The Participants

Isaac Azzopardi

Elaine Bonavia

Johannes Buch 

Keit Bonnici

Aidan Celeste

Samuel Ciantar

Letta Shtohryn

Stefan Nestoroski

Manuela Zammit

An Paenhuysen
Florian Weigl
Maja Renn

Collaborators are invited to run workshops and interventions for our loose collective of peers. These workshops generally takeplace on Saturday mornigns, or Thursday evenings. If you'd like to run an intervention, we're more than happy to host and make space for it in our OPEN STUDIO. Subsections are curated, and participants are invited to follow up on each intervention and in their own time.

Contributors for MAY 2021 
Kane Cali (Studio) writing on 3D Scanning, and Printing
Glen Callejja (Studio Solipsis) writing on Mapping and Innovation
Clive Vella (Airwars) writing on Online Resources for GIS Investigations

We are still missing peers who are well versed in the sound arts. If you have any tips, tricks, online interventions, or simply, a useful tool in mind, please go ahead and get in touch on info@temporary.show

More specifically, we are also looking for contributions about: Physical  Computing for Speculative Designs; Hosting Augmented Reality objects in Public Space; Soundscapes with Spoken Word.

 These contributions are generally 500 to 800 words, and will be included in the ongoing toolkit. Contributors are also invited to take on the role of a formal collaborator by providing a workshop for this community and its peer network of artists. 


Together with residents and alumni of the First Wave, Johaness Buch and Maja Renn, Aidan, Manuela and Letta will run the shorw up until March 2022. Join us for more online experiments, and each other's approach to making anything, anywhere, and out of this world.
