platonic swab test, cotton swabs, glue, 2020




multiply &&& mutate 



not without having it, taking my fear for a walk in the park

 measure the rectangle of panic boredom

rubbing it in (asmr quarantine massage), 7x5 spreading quadrants, countless dots, stamp on chinese calligraphy paper, 2020, jb

Sorry but I don't own a contactless payback card

Sorry but I don't own a contactless payback card

contactless tattoo ritual concept, 2020, jb

I feel you behind me. I turn back and see somebody else. I scan the room, it feels empty without you. I sit on the place you sat before, filling with my body the shape of your absence.

21.03.20 becoming virus with m



stay home

rent is cancelled until further notice


who, when, and where?

I see your self love as a stone in my hand wanting to see you sink into my waters to toss you across my surface seeing how many times I can make your 



there is no

back to normal

urb(i) @ orb(!)

flirting in the time of corona [part two]

flirting in the time of corona [part two]

flirting in the time of corona [part two]

flirting in the time of corona [part one]

The Lady with an Ermine, C0VID-19 SARS, Restoration 2020, jb

move me anywhere

move me anywhere


the possibilities are limitless




vacation plans 2020

not without having it


Agamben’s obvious conclusion is that, by rendering the face invisible, the protective mask renders invisible the invisible abyss itself which is echoed by a human face. Really? 

mutation nation

the new (insert nation) variant 

the new new (insert greek alphabeth letter) variant

Α αΒ βΓ γΔ δΕ εΖ ζΗ ηΘ θΙ ιΚ κΛ λΜ μΝ νΞ ξΟ οΠ πΡ ρΣ σ/ς, Τ τΥ υΦ φΧ χΨ ψ, and Ω ω.

croc and roll

we're in this for the long haul

vacca natio, holy cow — pox

This project brings together a loose collective of artists for ad hoc experiments. These include a combination of Participants who are open to collaborate, formal Collaborators who can run workshops and interventions across our peers, and Contributors who can share more specific resources and experiences.

The Participants

Isaac Azzopardi

Elaine Bonavia

Johannes Buch 

Keit Bonnici

Aidan Celeste

Samuel Ciantar

Letta Shtohryn

Stefan Nestoroski

Manuela Zammit

An Paenhuysen
Florian Weigl
Maja Renn

Collaborators are invited to run workshops and interventions for our loose collective of peers. These workshops generally takeplace on Saturday mornigns, or Thursday evenings. If you'd like to run an intervention, we're more than happy to host and make space for it in our OPEN STUDIO. Subsections are curated, and participants are invited to follow up on each intervention and in their own time.

Contributors for MAY 2021 
Kane Cali (Studio) writing on 3D Scanning, and Printing
Glen Callejja (Studio Solipsis) writing on Mapping and Innovation
Clive Vella (Airwars) writing on Online Resources for GIS Investigations

We are still missing peers who are well versed in the sound arts. If you have any tips, tricks, online interventions, or simply, a useful tool in mind, please go ahead and get in touch on

More specifically, we are also looking for contributions about: Physical  Computing for Speculative Designs; Hosting Augmented Reality objects in Public Space; Soundscapes with Spoken Word.

These contributions are generally 500 to 800 words, and will be included in the ongoing toolkit. Contributors are also invited to take on the role of a formal collaborator by providing a workshop for this community and its peer network of artists. 

it comes in waves

physical glitch mask, vlc, 2021

Martin, A. (1965). Untitled [blu]

Etymology of Reputation and Repetition

The face is the part of another’s body through which the abyss of the Other’s imponderable Otherness transpires. — Emmanuel Levinas

we can't hear you,

you are muted


you are muteaæäded!!1!1!!!


from various variation variants 2023 (ongoing)
